Effective Board Meetings – How to Run Effective, Efficient Meetings

Effective Board Meetings: How to Run Effective, Efficient Meetings

Your company depends on the board to relay vital information to internal teams and ensure that everyone is focused on reaching general goals. If your board meetings are not effective or unproductive, this can cause a decline in productivity and a disconnection between management and the team.

Understanding the role of each member and the various ways of discussion within your board is crucial to ensuring that meetings are effective. Certain members tend to be more vocal and speak first, while others think before they speak. The board chair, executive Director, or CEO must be able to spend time outside the boardroom to understand the preferences, interests of each member and conversation styles.

In the initial session of the board meeting, verify that there is a majority (a minimum number required to legally conduct any business). Then, ask the chair to summarize highlights from the board package and pre-meeting phone calls, and set expectations for the remainder of the meeting.

The board meeting should be focused on discussing how to overcome obstacles and strategies to promote progress. The board should use this time to introduce new perspectives and stimulate innovative thinking. It’s recommended for your board to have an agenda item that is dedicated to compliance and legal matters. This will ensure that they are in compliance with all laws regulations, ethics and standards.

use this link buildingbettertrustboards.org/how-board-portals-can-help-you-to-reach-your-goals/

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